

在汇合处的巴勃罗中心 sits on the banks of the Chippewa River 在市中心 欧克莱尔. This $51 million building is a state-of-the-艺术 venue for visiting shows 和 provides new rehearsal, 教学, 和 performance space for students in the Music + Theatre Arts program at UW-Eau克莱尔. We look forward to our p艺术nership with Pablo to give all students 和 community members the opportunity to explore award winning entertainment in a one of a kind facility that incorporates 欧克莱尔's beauty 和 history throughout.

在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, the 艺术s have been an integral p艺术 of our academic 和 cultural life since our founding more than a century ago. Through our distinctive programs  in theatre 艺术s, music, 和 艺术 & 设计, we continue to cultivate high-caliber performers 和 creatives.

As a founding p艺术ner in 巴勃罗中心的汇合, UW-Eau克莱尔 offers students instruction 和 performance opportunities in this state-of-the-艺术 space that helps shine a brighter spotlight on talented Blugolds — 和 allows them to stretch their creative wings even further. An added bonus: This beautiful facility is located only a few steps from the student ap艺术ments at Haymarket L和ing in downtown 欧克莱尔 和 less than a mile from our main campus.

  • Pablo活动时间表 看看你能在巴勃罗看到什么表演!
  • UW-Eau克莱尔 students have learning 和 performance opportunities throughout the Pablo Center:


    The Jamf剧院 is the largest flexible theatre in the Midwest 和 one of the five largest of its kind in the nation. 在你.S. universities that offer undergraduate theatre programs exclusively, UW-Eau克莱尔 is the only school to have a flexible performance space of this kind. 这张白纸, Blugolds can let their creativity flow 和 push 设计 boundaries — resulting in unforgettable experiences both for them 和 their audiences.


    Three times the size of downtown’s old State Theatre 和 twice the size of UW-Eau克莱尔’s Gantner Concert Hall, the RCU剧院 opens up amazing opportunities for new shows 和 cherished annual performances, 比如威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的假日音乐会, 在市中心. Theatre 艺术s students as well as Blugolds in university music ensembles perform in this beautiful venue that serves as both a concert hall 和 theatre space.


    Just inside Pablo Center’s southeast entrance 和 running the full length of the first floor is the Graham Avenue Walking Gallery for display of wall 艺术 by an ongoing rotation of featured regional 艺术ists, 包括威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的学生. 同样的, 布鲁戈尔德艺术学院的学生就是其中之一, 包括墙壁艺术和雕塑, 在詹姆斯·W. Hansen Gallery, also on Pablo Center’s first floor.


    Pablo Center helps create an atmosphere where Blugolds can easily connect with creatives from the Chippewa Valley. This is possible because the offices of community 和 regional 艺术 groups are co-located in the facility.


    Blugold faculty showcase their skills 和 entertain the public in a space that is deserving of their talents. Make sure to stop in 和 catch a performance of the faculty recital series in this top-floor venue with a view.


    Theatre students have access to a dedicated costume, 女帽类, 和 wig instructional space that replaces UW-Eau克莱尔’s cramped 和 outdated former costume shop in the basement of the university’s old Kjer Theatre. 这家新商店包括私人试衣间, 独立的洗衣房和服装处理室, 用于织物定制染色的染缸, 刺绣机和充足的服装存储.


    这个实验室配备了技术设备, grids 和 more so Blugolds can test out 和 perfect their lighting 和 sound 设计 ideas before running them in the main theatres. UW-Eau克莱尔 offers the nation’s sole undergraduate-only theatre program with a lab like this — meaning Blugolds are getting practical experience sooner than others in this field.

    好像这个实验室还需要做点别的什么神奇的事似的, Blugolds also can bring their lighting 设计s to life by programming 和 running in real-time the lighting elements found outside the Pablo Center on the building itself as well as on surrounding bridges 和 the 艺术s center plaza.


    Blugolds who are passionate about scene 设计 have a dedicated space equipped with advanced technology including an in-house paint booth 和 welding 和 CNC machines. 这家新店, one of the largest in a performing 艺术s center in the Midwest, is overseen by UW-Eau克莱尔 theatre program staff 和 replaced outdated on-campus facilities.


    欧克莱尔 has always been a city that loves music, 和 Blugolds play an important role. 这个最先进的工作室, equipped with top-of-the-line Focusrite RedNet technology, can record live music 和 distribute audio between all rehearsal 和 performance spaces through the 艺术s center. 也, planning is underway for a new recording certificate program through which UW-Eau克莱尔 students will hone their skills in this space alongside both seasoned UW-Eau克莱尔 faculty 和 local award-winning recording 艺术ists.

    了解更多澳门葡京网赌送彩金威斯康星大学欧克莱尔计划 音乐和戏剧艺术 和 艺术 & 设计.


    巴勃罗中心的汇合 is open for business!




